Sunday, September 9, 2012

Review on Bose AE2 Headphones

The Bose AE2 Headphones

Second picture

Hi there people, recently I made a review about my new Bose Companion 20 and now it's time to make a review on my 5 months old Bose AE2  headphones. After using it for 5 months I do find out a lot of things about it. Firstly, the sound quality, well the sound is not too bad but this headphones is lacking of BASS! Seriously I cant hear any bass from it, too weak I suppose. But the trebles are awesome, manage well with the highs. Listening to acoustic songs suits this headphones, to the Hip-Hop lovers, hell no, these are not for you. I give the sound quality 2.5/5, they are losing points for the lack of bass and weak sound eventhough the volume is turn on high. Now about the comfort of the headphones. DAMN, the cushion cups on this headphones are just way too comfortable until I cant feel the headphones are still on my head after listening to several songs! Way too comfortable that makes you wanna sleep! Well, I'm giving the comfortability 5/5 stars since I am not having any problems with it! The quality of this headphones is great as it does not feel fragile and everything in it are built in high quality stuffs that makes it quite flexible and durable. The price of this headphones is quite expensive at this category. Well you don't really get for what you pay for. I was expecting some bass from it and I felt really disappointed with the bass only! So that's it for the review thanks to take some time of yours to read my review on Bose AE2!
Pros: Lightweight and Comfortable.
Cons: Weak bass and Expensive.

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